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Technica Integrated Engineering

Co. Ltd.

Unit 10, 22/F., Blk A,

Wah Lok Ind. Centre,

31-41 Shan Mei Street,

Fotan, N.T.,

Hong Kong.


Tel: (852) 5802 2099

Fax: (852) 37554468






The following requirements under the new electricity legislation which have become effective as from 1 June 1992:

(Form WR1) for New Installations, Additions or Alterations

New installations, additions or alterations of electrical installations should comply with the safety requirements of the Electricity Ordinance. Before carrying out any addition or alteration : -

  • feasibility studies should be carried out by qualified building services engineer or registered electrical contractor, depending on the scale of the job;

  • future electricity consumption requirements should be considered; and

  • consent by the electricity supplier and the Owners' Corporation of the building must be obtained.


When the electrical work (including new installation, addition, alteration and repair) is completed, the qualified building services engineer and registered electrical contractor should inspect and test the electrical installations and certify that the installations are safe and comply with the safety requirements of the Electrical Ordinance in the Work Completion Certificate (Form WR1).


(Form WR2) For Periodic Inspection

Owners should ensure that the power loading generated by the appliances and installations do not exceed the maximum loading approved by the electricity supply company. Qualified building services engineer or registered electrical contractor should be consulted if in doubt. Electrical installations with an approved loading exceeding 100 amperes (A) in residential apartments, shops, offices and communal areas of the building should be inspected, tested and certified (Form WR2) at least once every 5 years to ensure safety.

Brief introduction to WR1 and WR2 applications to building management.

The repair and maintenance of electricity supply system should be undertaken by registered electrical contractors/workers. Name lists of registered electrical contractors/workers are available for reference at the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department's (EMSD) Customer Services Office and web site, as well as all District Offices.

We are an eligible electrical contractor with engineers in Class Grades in A, B and H, i.e. capable to handle 2500A maximum in low voltage and high voltage under 1,000V. Moreover, we also have practical experience in undertaking statutory inspection for issuance of certificate WR2 and offering follow-up maintenance services for repairs of any defects.